Sunday, November 30, 2008

So I haven't posted anything for the last little while because life got crazy fast. We sold the house in 3 weeks of putting it on the market. A Big thank you to the hard work of Leslie Thorup our Aunt and agent. The big thing was we had two weeks to move out and still a lot of work to do on the house. We didn't get much sleep and needless to say the kids didn't like us very much. Every time the kids talked to me I would snap and send them outside to play. I was a LITTLE stressed during that time frame. Russ and I would start our days at 8 am by dragging the boys out of bed to get them to school before 8:35. Russ went to work all day and would get home about 6. I still really don't know what I did all day but I was beat by the time Russ got home. I would have sent the kids out to play like as soon as Collin walked in the door at 3:30. Russ would start working on the house and pray to God that someone would show up to help him. Most the time Reid (father in law) would show up at like 8 and stay until 10 or 11. Thank you again Reid for all your help. As well as Levi, Scott, Derek and Andy. Russ and I would stay up until we dropped. That was about 1 am for me and 4 am for Russ. It was a very long two weeks.

I finally found us a place to move into on Wed and we moved in on Saturday the 25th of Oct. We are living in a beautiful basement apartment in Sandy. It is about 1,500 sq ft. We have 3 bedrooms and a great land lord. We love our new place we are right across the street from a really big park and the boys have found a new love for tennis. (Russ won state in tennis doubles when he was 17. So he likes the boys new love.) It is weird to be in an area with money. The ward is like 10 X's the size of our old ward so we like the idea of getting lost for a while.

Don't feel to sorry for the kids just yet. I told them that after the house sold we would take them on a vacation. So when Christina and Seth asked us to fly out to Cali for a week and do Disneyland we jumped on a plane. Well we waited a couple of weeks and had some interesting stuff happen before we left.

We love Utah football in fact we have had season tickets for the last 8 years. So it was no surprise that I got us a baby sitter to watch the kids for the Thursday night TCU Utah game. I asked my 14 year old baby sitter to come over for about 3 hours before Cassadee showed up to take over. This game she also had Danny and Sammy for about an hour before Cass would get there to take over. At 5 pm I get a phone call from Amber saying that she thought Kaleb had broke his arm. Now as mean as this may sound I was not going to leave the game unless I knew for sure his arm was broken. They wont let you back in after you have already showed up for the game. So I called Cass and asked her to take Kaleb to Alta View kids care. She was on her way. Andy got a hold of Christina and she came over. I called my mom and asked her to go help Cass and I had Amber's mom come pick her up. Cass and Christina took him to the Dr and Adam
(Cass boyfriend) stayed with the kids. The game started at 6 pm. My mom got to Alta View about 7:30 and called to tell me Kaleb's elbow was broken and Alta was sending Kaleb to Primary children's Hospital. Well I was about 2 blocks away from Primary. My mom called my at about 9:30 pm to say they were almost to the Hospital and to meet her there. At this point I was already waiting for the tracks train to pick me up. The was over and some how Utah pulled the game out thin air and won. So I was very glad I stayed for two reasons. If I would have left I would have just had to turn around and come right back.

The Dr came in and checked on Kaleb. They got to take more X-rays because the ones from Alta View didn't come through right. At about midnight they finally gave him drugs for the first time all night. The bone Dr thought it would be best to try and set his arm first before they did surgery. If you are a parent with a kid that needs to have any bones set leave the room. I stayed and just about past out on his bed. Elbows are not supposed to move like that and the popping sounds just made me want to throw up. The Dr laughed at me and said it was a good thing I caught myself because most the time the parent hits the floor before anyone else knows what is going on. The Dr got his arm set and Kaleb didn't need surgery. He now has a green cast and loves the attention that people give him. He holds it up to someone and says ouch and they always say what did you do. Kaleb says "Danny pushed my off the top bunk." he leave out that he stole Danny's UT ball and tried to hide on the top bunk.