Monday, July 27, 2009

Here comes Aug!

I am looking forward to all the happening that are going on. Right before we left for a fabulous vacation to the Oregon coast and spending time with Russ' sister that we haven't seen for a while. Russ and I decided to look at houses. I wasn't sure about getting one yet as we are still paying on the student loans. They are the reason we sold the other house in the first place. But I picked up some bug and thought it would be fun to see what kind of house we could get into. Well someone told us that a bank would give us money for this crazy idea of a new house. So Russ called his aunt Leslie (The best real estate agent in UT). I think she was more excited about us getting into a house then we had been. She said that she wanted to help us find something before we left for our 10 day vacation. Well the 2nd day of looking we found a house put an offer on it and they accepted it. So here are some pictures of the house we will be signing papers on the 12th. Russ and I are not sure what to do with all the time we will have by being able to just move in.If you don't know what I am talking about you can look at my older post about the last house. I will do some painting and we would like to figure out about moving the laundry room because it is on the 4th level hiding in a bedroom closet.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I had the sexiest dream last night. Now mind you it had nothing to do with sex or nakedness. It was one of those dreams that you feel an intimate warmth. One when I look back and remember it I want to go back. I don't remember much of it now that it has been a full day but what I see when I close my eyes is someone calling me to come talk to him. He didn't use words he beckoned me to come to him with his fingers. He wanted to just talk to me I remember feeling safe. When I think about my dream I just want to go back and feel that same peace. I don't remember a face but the person in my dreams spirit was Russ.

I love being able to feel close to him even in sleep. It is just one extra small way that I remember he is my soul mate.