Monday, September 29, 2008

What a week!

This is just my Little gripe of the week. Why is it that as mom of my cute little family. I am the one so easily forgotten. Last Friday Collin started saying he didn't feel good. Now for the last couple of months when he doesn't want to do something he is all of a sudden ill. So I didn't think much of it until he barfed. So I kept him home and that just started a week of fun for me. Collin was sick for about 12 hours and better fast. Rachael got sick on Saturday night and kept me up all night. I was late to church on Sunday and Russ stayed home with Rachael. Everyone else was seeming healthy until Wednesday when both Russ and Kaleb got sick. Now this would suck any week but to add to the stress we just put out house up for sale.

Wednesday night as I was deep cleaning my van because Kaleb got sick all over the back seat. I got a call asking if someone could look at our house in 15 minutes. I just about lost it. I told them that I just couldn't do it. I finished the night out by not killing anyone in the house. I was very pleased with myself. Thursday morning I let Kaleb and Russell sleep in while I took Collin to school. Rachael who gets up every morning at about 7:30 sharp just hung out with daddy. Russ stayed home and as I was cleaning the house so that it would be respectable for people to look at I got another call. We have someone in your area who would like to look at your house. Can they be there in 20 minutes. So this time I said yes how stupid can I be to think that I could handle 2 kids and Russ home and get my house ready to show. So needless to say the psycho hose beast came out in full force. She took over my body and just started yelling. I sometimes love when she shows up but then feel bad after her terror is over. I was hidding dishes in the dish washer and just being crazy. Russ had to get out of bed to save the kids. the worst part is they showed up 4 hours later.

We took Friday off from painting and cleaning and did family night out with Russ' family. It was good to see Andy now that he is a cop and works on the weekends we don't see him any more. Saturday I went to go look at a place for us to live. I got home and some people were looking at our house. The only problem was we didn't get a call that they wanted to see it. So my house wasn't ready for a showing. But Russ said that all he could hear the lady say was " I love this house." They left and we got ready to go to the football game. Go UTAH!!!!

The football game was okay. You know it isn't a good game when you win and your fans boo you. At the game I started to feel funny but didn't think much of it. Come Sunday morning I had a fever and body hurt all over. The house illness had finally come my way. Listening to Russ try to get everyone ready for church would have been very funny to watch. I could hear all kinds of craziness coming out of his mouth as he was dressing and feeding the kids. I slept most of the day. Monday comes and I still don't feel so hot Russ gets the boys off to school. He then goes off to work and leaves his aligning wife home to pick Kaleb up from preschool and to stay home with Rachael all day. I should have been sleeping and getting myself healthy so that I can take care of the family. So why is it that after taking care of the entire family the mom still has to deal with them when she is sick?

1 comment:

Lesley said...

I think I would have reacted the same way! What a stressful week! I am sure you are glad it is all said and done.

I didn't know you guys were selling your house? Where are you going to move to?