Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It has been a while. I have been having some big downs the last month or so. I think my body was telling me that I needed to stop and smell my very soft pillows. With all the crazy stuff going on with selling the house and Kaleb's broken elbow. I also did some Charity work with The Great Life Foundation called Living Christmas. It is like a sub for Santa. I got to purchase gifts for 7 different families (36 people). I then staffed a Part 1 training at The Great Life one of my favorite places to be but it takes up a lot of time to staff 4 full days. My point is I was very busy and so my body shut down and I ended up with walking pneumonia. So I have done nothing for the last month just letting my body recover. I have some fun pictures that some day I will add.

1 comment:

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Oh no!!! I hope you don't go through that again. Poor Tina.