Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I have been so busy the last few months. It is crazy how fast life goes. I finished my parenting with love and logic class. One of my friends said that it is probably the best class I have ever taken. Now that is saying a lot I have been doing a life training for 4 years now. I have taken so many classes and have learned so much. But the parenting class is the only thing that has taught me how to work with Kaleb. I have had the hardest time being a mom to him some days. I didn't know how to discipline a kid that didn't care about anything. I love his carefree attitude but when he gets up set he can be so mean. I had days that I would have to go hide and cry. He just loved to say "I hate you mom", "You are stupid", "I don't love you". I just couldn't take it any longer and nothing I did would get him to stop. One night I went out to dinner with the family and some friends. It was one of the worst days he and I had ever had. At the dinner table Rachael was wanting me to hold her and love on her. I turned to my friend and said "It is nice to have a kid that loves and wants me." He looked and me and said "Tina some of the craziest stuff come out of your mouth sometimes." Now this friend doesn't have a wife and kids so to him this could seem to be an off the wall comment. I kept having the thought I should know how to do this mom stuff. I hit bottom and wanted to figure it out thus the class.

The last 2 months have been the best mothering months ever. Kaleb and I spend about 30 minutes every week alone. I put the other kids to bed and we sit on the couch and just talk about whatever is on his mind. I also do that with the other kids. The tools I learned has changed the face of our house and how we all work together. So I am sending Russ and Kimmie to the same class and the same teacher starting on Mar 19th. I would like us to all be on the same page with the kids.

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Sounds like a great class. You'll have to let us in on more of your new secrets!